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Betreff: a finance-umbrella for us online-papers

Dear Miss Merkel,
when I so there sit and in my Konto-outdrawings look, there leads no way beyond: the echinger-zeitung.de is in a world-wide finance-crisis.
The some Nutscherl, that the advertising brings, make the Kraut not fat. So the win of the year 2008 is not that, what it could have been, when it would have been, what I had me wished.
And in this my very sad mood, dear Miss Merkel, I heard a lot about all Your packages and umbrellas and all Your other friendly benefits for us suffering economy and I thought so by me: by all the little millions for a bank here and a car-factory there, a some hundreds could be in for me too.
You know, on the echinger-zeitung.de hang a lot of workingplaces on, for example mine. And not to forget the to-work-industries, that depend on the echinger-zeitung.de, like my mail-provider, the press-referent of the Eching government or my favourite brewery.
So, all this bebackwatched, a little Fond for the suffering online-papers, sotosay a echinger-zeitung.de-umbrella, with about 10.000 Euro would it do for the first.
In glad expectation
Heartly Greets from Eching!

retour to the mailbox

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